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"ንቁ, ምክንያቱም ሁሉንም ምስጢሮች አግኝተሃል." ይላል አንድ ንቃተ ህሊና የጠፋ ጓደኛ።
Is none other than, the Almond and Olive Tree, which are our consciousness and sub-conscious respectively. Fully awake and are in conversation with each other. Another analogy is the New Moon of a conception. Still yet, one more example is the symbolism of the Menorah. But, there's also a scape in between the Trees. Which is the dreamworld or the domain of Neptune. It's possible a vision may come into our sub-conscious via a dream from the sea of mystery. And then, if the Trees are speaking to each other the Olive Tree can exchange the vision to the Almond Tree to bring it into the world.
To mark the opening moves, along with an appropriately named Kite of "Spotlight Delta", a key phrase of the Spirit of a symbolic LOVE, Peace and Friendship offering was given to Cree Nation of Eastern James Bay on July 15, 2021.
Drive the Fire
The Universe waits for an almond bloom which will be a sign that a season has ended and a new one has begun.
Heart of the Moon believes reality has made a course correction which opens a window of opportunity for earth. A better understanding of the symbolism of the two Trees opened up a world to explore and discover that information has been hidden in plain sight. And this information or energy in the sky can be transposed as energy on cards such as Tarot. A guide as it were.
Capricorn Full Moon
Have you ever looked up in the sky and judge if an outsde event could go as planned? Often that is the case, but sometimes weather can cause an event to be cancelled. You just consulted the energies in the sky and made a judgement. Something similar happens when we consult the astrological energies in the sky to make a prediction or judgement. As a result, Heart of the Moon does public readings and astrological reports to give an energetic forecast. Sometimes the readings give multiple messages, such as in the Capricorn Full Moon of 2020. Consider the following: A ride as it were is sitting in a driveway all this ride needs is someone to drive it for the very first time. Its coat of paint is fiery orange with tinges of red. This ride is full of life, to keep it inside a vase on the shelf would be like trying to stop the sun from rising. It has to be shared in the light of the public garden. First though, things needed to be re-balanced, re-aligned, new foundations on earth re-made, chapters closed, or dissolved that cannot exist in the light of where earth is going. The Universe watches and waits with bated breath, for Them it's waiting on a tree shoot to rise up or a flower to bloom, as this will be a sign that a season has ended and a new one has begun.
Heart of the Moon believes reality has changed for the highest good of all. How does a flower push through a hard surface? It just does. Your neighbor, the family that lives on a remote island, everyone on earth has a precious gift. Our chakra wheel system that’s been described by Ezekiel, is part of a spiritual process of co-creation between the Universe above and us below, which is between the energy in the skies the constellations and our wheel system. When flowers bloom that's a sign a season has ended and a new one has begun. It's also a celebration of life. The Universe has been waiting for a certain flower or tree shoot to bloom or rise up which will be a clear sign a season has ended and a new one has begun. And, isn't the case a new born is celebrated and duly marked as an event?
Taurus and Scorpio
Leo and Aquarius
When we combine the energy of the Constellations (above) with our wheel system (below), the implications reach far and wide.
All of us share the same Spiritual aspects below that can channel the energy of the constellations above. Such as our Almond and Olive Trees spirits of our conscioussness and sub-conscious. We also have a wheel system that will get pushed to the limit. It's going to end an age begin a new one in a blink of an eye. Earth might be able to delay energy from expressing itself, but they'll never be able to stop a force of nature from expressing itself as the sun rises, as the great cycles of life play out on the fiery grasslands of Leo. There's seven billion buds on earth with the potential to burst their colors. Who will make that bold leap towards the sun channel the energy of Ursa Major the Great Bear? It's a window of opportunity for the Divine Feminine of the inner and Divine Masculine of the outer as a moment of creation for both of them. So why not duly mark it?
At the Heart of the Ankh is the alignment of the above (circle) with below (horizonatal) and then an earnest step outwards (vertical). At the Heart of the Moon, is an inner transformation of healing to align with the energy above. We believe there needs to be some dialogue, for the sake of integrity. Since, earth has made a course correction, it can be done with one earnest step at a time. There's never been anything like it. So why not make it a celebration of life?
*Read the full article on the BLOG page and to leave a comment.*
Dreams from
Sacred Chalice
"Awaken, because you got all the secrets." says one to an unconscious friend.
Virgo Full Moon 2021
Heads up! Coming up in the Virgo Full Moon, the Maiden does the unexpected, she literally pulls focus on herself out of her season, via an aspect that some would call an exact Yod Kite or the Kite of Intensity. If we allow for error the aspect is energized by the quadruple eight. At the same time, the Fish dares us to jump into the water of our dreams.
Fly your colors! Since the shape of the Kite of Intensity is obvious, it's a great astrological aspect to discuss. Overall take the Kite aspect as very inspiring and beneficial (take the Kite as it sounds) we're flying our kite, and the Yod aspect as intense energy of action (take the Yod aspect as it sounds) direction of thought guided by our own inner light of intuition (gold lines). Notice though it has the shape of the constellation Bootes the Herdsman which is the shape of the feminine energy of the Zero | 0. Thus, overall the aspect is giving birth to something. Along with the energies that go along with a birth such as inspiration, intensity and joy. At first glance, the energy could strongly appeal to our sense of service and duty to humanity due to its focus in Virgo. It also has the energy of silence and choice. Typically we fly Kites during summer, but then again the logical Maiden sometimes does the illogical.
The Maiden may have pulled focus on herself during her Full Moon, but the Fish contribute a lot to the process, dares you to jump into the water of your dreams.
What is your dream? Could be something worth thinking about, while flying your kite during the Virgo Full Moon of 2021. We suggest, to review first the diagram (below) of the energies of the aspect (colored lines) involved which is meant to give an estimate and description of the Yod Kite and with the Maiden's attention to detail to decorate it. First, the T-Square aspect, which brings the energy of the Opposition aspect together with respect to two challenging Square aspects, but does so for the most part on its own terms. Whereas, the Yod Kite, indiviuals and society can bring the energy of the opposition together on their own terms mostly by choice. And because of the nature of the Kite aspect, some of the choice has been made easier for us, because the Quincunx (gold lines) are challenges for our intuition or inner light, but then the Kite slants our effort towards Virgo's energy of...I Serve. But there's work involved, all by your choice though, via two Semi-Sextiles (red and blue lines) of making a truce between two energies.Which ushers in peace. Which opens a window of opportunity of realizing the energy of...I Dream between two energies. Because after a truce, it's now possible for the two energies to work together towards a common dream, via the supporting Sextile (purple line) of I Aspire and I AM. Furthermore the silence, triggers the energy of the Quincunxes, which makes it possible for a dream to come into awareness. Notice the red and blue lines make the shape of a small T-Square and its apex; in other words, the energy of the Sextile T-Square along with the energy of the Quincunxes flies up into the energy of...I Dream. Ask yourself than, what is my dream? And if it involves a group and self dynamic that could serve humanity than you could have your answer. That being said, if and only if you and another know and share a vision, it's possible the energies of...I Aspire, I AM and I Dream fly into the energy of...I Serve. So do you have a dream to share with others?
In the Pisces Astrology of 2021, The Fish dare you to dream. The Maiden literally pulls focus on herself with a rare and exact Yod Kite. Just look at the shape, it's laser focused, similar to the Triangulum constellation. Its back bone is an Opposition (grey line) which is two energies running away from each other. Its framework is two Quincunx (gold lines), one Sextile (purple line) and two Semi-Sextiles (red and blue lines). The shape implies it's possible to bring the opposing energies togethor. But how? First by a truce, with the Semi-Sextiles. Perhaps after a memorandum of understanding, a Sextile is two energies working together harmoniously, but requires work. However, the work possibly opens a window of opportunity. The Sextile unlike an Opposition, walk towards each other. Because, the Semi-Sextiles and Sextile form a T-Square. However, unlike in a typical T-Square where the opposition energies are forced into the apex via Square aspects, the Sextile T-Square is energized by Choice or Freewill. Furthermore, the window of opportunity due to the design of the Kite could be obvious for you. One energy of Pisces is about modesty all the way to larger than life dreams. As a result, if you can answer: What is my dream or vision? And, if your dream involves an interaction between a group (I Aspire) and the self (I AM), than you may have that answer. As a matter of course, understanding and harmony of the truce and Sextile, invites in a moment of silence. Consequently, the Quincunxes which is our inner light energize which makes it possible for a dream or vision come into our awareness. Afterwhich, the energy is directed through the apex the point of the triangle. In turn the energy flies towards Virgo. As a result, a vision has been conceived. Overall, the entire energy of the Kite makes the process easier. That's how you can bring the Opposition energies of Pisces and Virgo together via the Yod Kite...all by Choice and Freewill. A reminder of our potential.
Dreams from the Sacred Chalice
The Watchers
All of you are beautiful Watchtowers! If you don't believe? Then please consider the following: If Jupiter and Pluto had their own mirrors, Jupiter's mirror would reflect the outside of us, while Pluto's would show the inside of us. Jupiter's Watchtower spirit symbolizes our Crown Chakra of awareness, while the 3rd eye of Pluto symbolizes our 6th Chakra of inner light. During Pisces season, Spirit invites everyone to break free and then tap into their outer and inner light. As both spirits have the same potential of bringing knowledge into our awareness. Jupiter's eye shares knowledge from the outside while Pluto's eye from the inside. And when you think about it, the direct consequence of that is, Jupiter can wake up his sleeping partner the 3rd eye of hidden knowledge, especially if it could be beneficial for both to know if it's the correct season. As a consequence, we can also wake others. However, we strongly believe only in a limited role as a watcher, because each person holds the potent medicine of their 3rd eye. As well as, knowing the season of their own soul journey. Nonetheless, Heart of the Moon believes it's possible to share and embrace a same dream as others in a common ground of understanding. A meeting of the minds as it were. That being said, Heart of the Moon can contribute to who are you? But you really contribute the most with your own Watchtower spirit. And only you can answer who am I - with your inner eye. Sound familiar? It's none other than the business of our Almond and Olive Tree spirits. Thus, "Awaken, because you hold all the secrets." says one to an unconscious friend.
All of you are beautiful Watch Towers!
The Fish dares us
to Dive into the Sea of Mystery
Are the Fish ambassadors of the eclectic? Pulling in energies across a wide ocean into one. Such as, using the spirit of inclusion, and then diving all in to the ways of LOVE, into the sea of mystery and darkness and thought, to help manifest a vision. With courtesy of Spirit and an unknown artist. Here's an interpretation of the map above of a BIG PICTURE. The Milky Way holds a myriad of energies which flows into one direction. Then consider, the light of the Milky Way as Jupiter our awareness or different ideas. And awareness had to come from somewhere, such as from the external, as well as, from Pluto's mirror revealing our inner light of our subconscious where the spirit of the 3rd eye dwells. Again with courtesy of Spirit and western astrology such as work from Joanna Woolfolk 2006, the 3rd decante of Pisces is Cepheus the King. The map shows a beautiful spot, like your favorite hide-away swimming place that only you and your intimate friends know about. But in this case, you and your friends jump into a giant sea of mystery that's really meant for everyone to explore. The shape of the constellation is made up of two shapes. Notice, it's as if the energies of the Galactic ocean pour into the Square shape. And then, there's the domain of Neptune which is a bridge between the subconscious (Pluto) and consciousness (Jupiter). And out of this mysterious world of light, dark, emotion and thought...dreams and visions emerge that form within the square of a foundation. Once a vision is apparent the next step is outwards into the triangle of direction, into the energy of Jupiter or diving into the mystery of the unknown. Our own light, lights the way. Heart of the Moon believes the energy of the Mystic Rectangle such as, but not limited to, the one from the Pisces Full Moon on September 2, 2020 (below) is the energy of the Square shape of Cepheus the King. Which shows two Opposition aspects being brought together in harmony with the Sextiles (purple lines), like the possibility of the self and society coming to terms on something. In turn, the Mystic Triangle of the Virgo New Moon on September 17, 2020 (below) of possibily coming up with a vision via the Quincunx (gold line) and then making an expression outwards. If we combine the energies of those two moons, is that not the spirit of Cepheus? Is that not also the energy of the Kite of Intensity (Yod Kite), which actually conveniently combines all of the energies above: 3rd eye (Pluto), vision (Neptune) and direction (Jupiter). But in a different version of reality like the one described in Revelation, earth puts all their eggs in one square basket in a vision for a group, while tossing out the energy of the self, which made a vision exclusive to Two Individuals. That's strange, because the Fish are all inclusive just like in the spirit of the Mystic Rectangle and Triangle (below), as well as the Yod Kite of the Virgo Full Moon of 2021. But reality has changed, at least for a moment, it's still earth's choice. Don't we all have a conscious and subconscious? Which could help create a brilliant vision? In the spirit of knowing thyself and others. The Fish dares us to be ambassadors of the electic and of LOVE.
Courting a Sacred Partnership with a Kite
"A moment of our lives rises up from the sea of mystery." says one to their other half.
Libra Full Moon 2021
In the season of Aries the Ram, the spirits of I Am, I Aspire and I Think flies a Kite to court a Sacred Partnership with Libra the Scales of I Partner in the Libra Full Moon of 2021. All inclusive. And all done by CHOICE and personal initiative. As a result, everyone is invited to sit at the table of Spirits...wonders what will you bring?
If you're seeing a common thread, astrological aspects help carry out a spiritual process. If the constellations are the blueprints or idea and the decantes are the method, then the astrological aspects provide an immediate spiritual energy resource. With just enough structure to tie a string and with lots of Air...get a hold of your Kite of Ease! But before we do, ask a similar question as above, how do we combine two different energies that are running away from each other? In this case, the I in Aries and the Partnership in Libra are running away from each other. The spine of the Kite is obvious, which is an Opposition (gray line). But this time the structure is made from a Grand Trine (gold lines) and two Sextiles (red lines). It makes a familiar T-Square, but the energy of the Trine between Mars and Saturn will not flow up on its own because it's a supporting energy; however it can be coaxed up, all by CHOICE again, because we can initiate the energy of the T-Square via the Sextiles with our personal initiative. The only figuring out we need to do is what are the energies when we take action on the Sextiles? Heart of the Moon interprets the energies as: Sacred Warrior (Masculine) and Pragmatic Healer (Feminine). To elaborate, it's a union of Sacred Oneness, with the Conjunction of Venus, Chiron and the Sun. As before, when the Sextiles are energized, the Spirit of Sacred Oneness flows through the apex/conjunction. And then, you should already know what happens next, since, the energy is slanted again, the energy flows directly to the We of a Sacred Partnership. And, the Sacred Partnership is all inclusive. That's how a Kite courts a Sacred Partnership.
Justice for The Ram
Greetings! Heart of the Moon believes, in one version of reality, humanity goes all in for the spirit of a group for control of earth. But they would have deleted the spirit of I Am of the Self from their energy table. In turn, would have deleted any chance of channeling the energy of any aspects that connect with the spirit of Aries. So, in a sense, earth short changed themselves, that is, except for Two Individuals by choice via the Sextiles of personal initiative. But this is not the case today. Has practicality seized the moment? Because consider the following, it would have been impossible for the larger public to understand the scope and vastness of the Universe years ago. But we know now, the Universe is there to explore is it not? And, is that not the spirit of Cassiopeia in the season of Aries? There's a beautiful galaxy with the same name in the Constellation of Triangulum that would be nice to visit, but it's 2.3 million light years away from earth. If we wanted to visit there, it would take us 2.3 million years to get there traveling at the speed of light (c). After a certain point would we care if we got there or not? The speed of light is great for local use, but not very useful at all for traveling vast distances. It implies, if we stay within the limit of c, in a sense we are short changing ourselves, from ever visiting the galaxy of Triangulum. And for the spirit of the Ram that would be a shame, because it would put a limit on its own spirit of Cassiopeia of an ocean of options. So now, it's at least reasonable to think of a playing field that has no time and space, in turn, making it possible for some of kind quantum jump out into the Universe. But, in order to make quantum jumps, we need to step out of the limit of c. That is the spirit of Aries, so deleting an energy for the table limits us. But look at all the beautiful work people had to do to make it plain for the larger public for them to consider options. So really our choices are/were limited, that is, until we catch up with knowledge. That was not possible 2000 years ago, which is why I believe Spirit is being fair. Knowing what we now know, there's a lot at stake. Furthermore, fairness in the sense it's still earth's choice.
There's more to it than that, there's Justice for the Ram, which could help solve a dilemma of the self. Currently, there's a friendly challenge in the sky, in the way of a mix of astrological aspects such as the one already mentioned above, which is the energy of forming a Sacred Partnership. At the moment of writing this, these energies are available for everyone, because Earth's energy table is full. Earth has made a cource correction, but those fiery rides the Sacred Pair would have used are still available. Like in the past, there was a test of sorts between the Viking culture and Christianity, but was that a fair test for them both? I believe it's a serious matter, because there's a difference between the past versus the present situation. The difference is, Spirit is actually all inclusive, as a result, I believe I'm speaking to equals. Do you have a consciousness and a sub-conscious? If you do than you have the energies of the Two Trees. If that's true, than it has many implications. Such as, was that test the most relevant one for their energies and their potential? And really is that the most relevant test for everyone else? Something needs to be balanced does it not?
Drive the Fire...Right to the Edge...
Your Friend and Outsider
Tom Gower
The Double Star
The Exchange...
There's the idea but then there comes a time to test it out, and consequently exchange the vision to the driver. So take a look, the Fiery Rides are sitting in the drive way and you'll notice them by there Star shape. So, how does a star form? If you can answer that then you have a good idea the process of the Star aspect: Maximum stress then Emergence. In the Lion's Moon season of 2022, two new Stars are formed, during the Aquarius Full Moon and Leo New Moon. And with Saturn the School-Master retrograde, the teacher has left the classroom, as a result, restrictions are lifted. In turn, the energy of the Square (red line) between Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus makes a sudden shift to Uranus the Table-Turner. It's a process of star formation, with maximum stress with the Squares (red lines) and breaking our tradition of putting Qunicunxes in gold, the Oppositions (gold lines) and then movement/expression outwards...KA-POW!...a Star in Born. It's a combination of a Grand Square and Grand Cross. Nothing is held back except maybe Saturn's energy. For example, Mars and Uranus Conjunct could mean a Tower Moment of a sudden call to action (Mars) and reset of over turning the status quo (Uranus), but then movement forward (Mars) into originality (Uranus), all of the above virtually in the same breath. Breath taking energy to be sure. But what really confirms the above, is Mars, Uranus and North Node Conjunct. Because, the North Node is where our soul wants us to go, whereas the South Node is the past. So imagine this, with the fuel of Mars and Uranus, driving forward into originality of a soul journey of the North Node in Taurus; irrevocably leaving the past behind of the South Node in Scorpio. Not to mention the Fire fuel in the energy set is off the charts in both aspects. Time for a test ride?
Aries and Gemini Full Moons
The Most Beautiful can Only be Seen with Our Eyes Closed
Making the First Leap
Some golden light settles on the mystery of the myth of the Golden Fleece. Aries the Ram turns ideas into action...LITERALLY. In the Aries Full Moon of 2022, the Golden Ram aspect reared its horns. It's made up of a variety of aspects, some are not shown for visual simplicity, such as two Horn of Corvus, one Wings of a Butterfly, one Wings of an Eagle. Shown are Wings of a Hawk (red and purple lines), and one Golden Fleece (gold and grey lines). The Quincunx is energized by a force which is a challenge for our intuition which is intended to wake us up. Yet at the same time, settle in a moment of silence or meditation to allow an original idea to drift into our awareness. Like how the Almond Tree wakes up our Olive Tree. Strangely enough though, the inside is out for the Ram, as the Golden Quincunxes are its fleece.
The energies of the Gemini Full Moon of 2023 reflect our prediction/BLOG of October 2020: Drive the Fire...Right to the Edge. Also, reflects an almond bloom and its stem. Take a look, there's two aspects, the Star (beige lines) overlaid with the Kite of Intensity (entire kite shape). The Star shape says it all - Star formation. It's also masculine energy. From the season of Virgo, the Kite of Intensity is the energy of Boötes the Herdsman the 3rd decante or the feminine O energy...all together it's a Birth. The capital E beside the North Node in Aries, is the asteroid Eris the Rebel or the Sorceress of Chaos. But Eris is also about self-expression. So any energy that moves towards the focus of the Kite, has to go through Eris and any conjunction with her. So what did earth bring to the energy table for Eris? Heart of the Moon believes earth has made a course correction, thus, they've brought choice, either Chaos or Self-Expression? The initials AB beside Black Lilith in Virgo is the star Alula Borealis which means the First Leap. AB is in the hind feet of Ursa Major the Big Bear the 2nd decante of Leo the Lion, which symbolizes a leap towards the Sun. As the spirit of Lilith is also about self-expression, the Blackbird is calling everyone out to make that first leap - uncage our inner Fire, which is literally channeling the Fire energy of the Big Bear. Which means, her and Eris can come together on common ground with self-expression. It's none other than the masculine and feminine energy working together to usher something new into the world. What's the nature of Fire? If we can answer that we know the symbolism of it. We know any fire doesn't recognize boundaries which can cause chaos which is Sacred Pair energy, but it's also possible to have a control burn that goes right to the edge.